I don’t know the last time I lived in a cage that didn’t rattle

or a body that didn’t feel like a cage I mean, this is my home but my armor feels like I mean my skin feels like that fifteen seconds of terror when I misplace my keys sometimes feels like movie marathons in folding chairs sometimes like I really need to get up and be anywhereContinue reading “I don’t know the last time I lived in a cage that didn’t rattle”

My country ’tis of thee, sweet land of misery, for thee i sing.

I pledge my grievance to the flag of the Divided States of America & To the ignorance for which it stands One nation Under wealth, Divisible, With liberty and justice for some. Dear America, I think we should start seeing other people. Dear America, I think you should start seeing other people within yourself. DearContinue reading “My country ’tis of thee, sweet land of misery, for thee i sing.”