Instructions Home, after Jasmine Mans.

Break every shame clogged mirror before you begin (that way you have already begun). Turn left at the stoplight across from the small brick elementary school that proved to be reprieve from the kitchen table. Make a fire of the things you used to believe of yourself. 300 ft from where you ate pistachio iceContinue reading “Instructions Home, after Jasmine Mans.”

The future is crowdsourced.

we pick each other ‘s brains like wildflowers. capitalism has never been tender with us so we are relentlessly soft with one another. This system leaves us for dead but we keep bringing each other nourishment gift-wrapped as laughter. we keep bringing each other Alive.

Just because you don’t want to hear it doesn’t make it fake news.

I speak a poem about my childhood trauma and you don’t like the culpability you say you have different opinions of my past I say I think you mispronounced, “this isn’t how I imagined my legacy” mispronounced, “I made you in my image who are you to be a visionary not just (my) vision?” Mom,Continue reading “Just because you don’t want to hear it doesn’t make it fake news.”