The future is crowdsourced.

we pick each other ‘s brains like wildflowers. capitalism has never been tender with us so we are relentlessly soft with one another. This system leaves us for dead but we keep bringing each other nourishment gift-wrapped as laughter. we keep bringing each other Alive.

“You know you can’t be walking around looking all cute like that, getting me all worked up like this.”

As it turns out, I can. As it turns out, your being turned on is not an excuse to turn off your brain. This honestly sounds like a personal problem. This is something I don’t have to don’t want to and am not going to help you with ‘cause this is what I damn wellContinue reading ““You know you can’t be walking around looking all cute like that, getting me all worked up like this.””

Perhaps you fell in love with the idea of me.

It was my hair, wasn’t it? it accented your t-shirt at the time or your eye color, or your endless insecurities. you forgot entirely that i am a person entirely- not just a big smile, an aesthetic, some kind of misplaced manic pixie dream girl let loose in the wild for you to discover andContinue reading “Perhaps you fell in love with the idea of me.”

Asked about the greatest fear they have with online dating,

cis-men most often answer that their partner might be fat. Asked about the greatest fear we have with online dating, trans people, non-binary folk, and cis-women most often answer that we might be murdered. It appears that a cis-mans’ greatest fear is someone not living up to their expectations while our greatest fear is notContinue reading “Asked about the greatest fear they have with online dating,”

I don’t know the last time I lived in a cage that didn’t rattle

or a body that didn’t feel like a cage I mean, this is my home but my armor feels like I mean my skin feels like that fifteen seconds of terror when I misplace my keys sometimes feels like movie marathons in folding chairs sometimes like I really need to get up and be anywhereContinue reading “I don’t know the last time I lived in a cage that didn’t rattle”

when I read that the average life expectancy for someone living in the neighborhood I work is 68, I sobbed for the circles my students will likely not circle around the sun. I cried in the middle of grad class then realized what a damn privilege it is to be crying in the middle ofContinue reading

questions for my students and no these will not be on the test but they are so very much more important-

do you know about Einstein? and is it E=MC2 or the fact that he didn’t speak until he was 9, thought to be slow, was expelled from high school? do you know about Dr. Seuss? and is it all 1 fish 2 fish or is it the 27 rejected publishing attempts before his first success?Continue reading “questions for my students and no these will not be on the test but they are so very much more important-“

a piece i did for today’s speak-out on my campus against sexual violence:

  There is a contagion on my campus.There is a sickness in society.I am not a doctor but I am deeply concerned‘cause it doesn’t take an MD to realize that we are unwell. Our women are coughing, our men are ill too- this is gender neutral‘cause we’re all infected.It’s not just my malady, or yours.This is everyone’s illness.soContinue reading “a piece i did for today’s speak-out on my campus against sexual violence:”

“Becoming an agent of historical change”

today my professor said there are scientific studies saying, “we are actually soft-wired to be hyper-competitive, we are more hardwired to be empathetic” as in there is this illusion that we are born brutal, born tough, born sinners, born evil this is just a falsity. this is just some cover up. this is just aContinue reading ““Becoming an agent of historical change””