questions for my students and no these will not be on the test but they are so very much more important-

do you know about Einstein? and is it E=MC2 or the fact that he didn’t speak until he was 9, thought to be slow, was expelled from high school? do you know about Dr. Seuss? and is it all 1 fish 2 fish or is it the 27 rejected publishing attempts before his first success?Continue reading “questions for my students and no these will not be on the test but they are so very much more important-“

My country ’tis of thee, sweet land of misery, for thee i sing.

I pledge my grievance to the flag of the Divided States of America & To the ignorance for which it stands One nation Under wealth, Divisible, With liberty and justice for some. Dear America, I think we should start seeing other people. Dear America, I think you should start seeing other people within yourself. DearContinue reading “My country ’tis of thee, sweet land of misery, for thee i sing.”